The Perception of Pain

“It isn’t what happens to us that causes us to suffer; it’s what we say to ourselves about what happens.” ~Pema Chodron   How many hours have you spent living in pain?  Oh, I’m not talking about physical conditions here; broken bones and painful illnesses and things that can be relieved by popping a few... Continue Reading →

The Power of Responsibility

Learning to take responsibility for yourself; for the life that you have created; for the decisions that you make is one of the most important things that you can do.  But where is this kind of responsibility learned?  For most people, responsibility is learned from their parents. There is nothing, nothing like holding your child... Continue Reading →

Breaking the Ostrich’s Egg

“Life does not put things in front of you that you are unable to handle.” ~ Unknown How many times have you been faced with a seemingly hopeless situation and have ended up avoiding it altogether because it seems so impossible? Oh don’t look at me like that.  Everyone does it.  You’re life is clicking... Continue Reading →

The Magic Web

We live in a magical world.  If you don’t think so, just look around you; look at the intricacies of a spider’s web (Her mother dies giving birth to her – so how does she know how to create that? Where do the designs come from?) Look at the glory of a sunrise; at the... Continue Reading →

Authentic Living 201: Living Intentionally

There is a difference between living and living an intentional life. No, seriously, everybody lives.  Unless you’ve been in a serious accident and are fighting for every breath you take, living is not something you actually have to think about.  It simply happens, usually when you aren’t paying attention.  In fact, one day you look... Continue Reading →

The First Day of Forever

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!  Live the life you’ve imagined.   ~ Thoreau It’s going to happen.  One morning you are going to wake up and realize that today is the first day of forever.  It will happen when you are ready for it to; this first day of forever. It will happen... Continue Reading →

Trapped in an Infinite Loop

The whole universe is based on rhythms. Everything happens in circles, in spirals. ~John Hartford~ You’ve heard I am sure, of the circle of life. Anyone who has watched Disney’s “The Lion King” has found their eyes misting over at the beauty of that opening number. And while the concept of life renewing itself is... Continue Reading →

What Waits in the Silence

We live in a very noisy culture.  No matter where we go we’re bombarded with noise from every angle.  Cities, with their continual traffic and sirens and construction; the voices of people every which way you turn; those are the worst. There’s no getting away from it.  But even those who live in the suburbs... Continue Reading →

The Hall of Mirrors

  “There are some minds like either convex or concave mirrors, which represent objects such as they receive them, but never receive them as they are.” ~ Joseph Joubert When I first started college I had a full-length mirror that I had hung on the back of my dorm room door. Having a mirror there... Continue Reading →

The Perfect Moment

There’s something you want, isn’t there? Something that you want so desperately that it is eating away at your insides; a longing that has been gnawing away great chunks of your heart while you weren’t looking and leaving you feeling as if you are some sort of metaphysical Swiss cheese; all full of inexplicable holes... Continue Reading →

Waiting to Live

It seems as if I have spent my life waiting… Waiting for those rushes of energy and emotion, of unadulterated experience that the universe always seemed to throw at me with such reckless abandonment; rushes so intense that I can’t think of anything but what is happening and everything else takes a backseat – almost... Continue Reading →

Mastering Emotional Mindfulness

Mastering the Emotional Storm Surge:  Five Steps to Emotional Mindfulness There are moments in everyone’s life when, no matter how mindful you are of your surroundings; no matter how determined you are to be rational; a passionate wave of emotion seems to sweep you away.  Anger; fear; lust bitterness; the emotion itself is not important. ... Continue Reading →

The Game of Life

  My grandfather taught me to play chess when I was a little girl. I couldn’t have been any older than six, for I wasn’t in school yet and we’d play during the day in between his patients (he had a home office medical practice) with a wooden chess set that he kept in a... Continue Reading →

The Magic Word

THE ARTIST I am the artist and the art. My life is a canvass And I stand before it, tools in hand Creating a world within a world within a life Wielding the brushes of belief and intention Brushes dipped in the pigments of emotion and experience Smoothing in highlights of happiness and love And... Continue Reading →

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